We are sure you’ve seen the black and whites stripes on some street you walk. Ever wonder what those black or white stripes are for? Those are known as zebra crossings.

Zebra crossing is also known as a pedestrian crossing that is used in many countries worldwide and it is the oldest form of safe pedestrian crossing.

Basically, zebra crossings give the pedestrians some more rights. If and when there are no traffic signals or traffic lights then pedestrians will always have a right of way on the zebra crossings.

Sometimes pedestrians who are trying to cross the road either on a good sunny day or a rainy day using a zebra crossing are ignored by the drivers as some drivers will allow pedestrians to cross but most of the others don’t and this unfortunately will either cause accidents or we will be honked at.

Stopping our vehicles to allow pedestrians to cross at the zebra crossings is a good practice and will create a safer environment for road users.

alwaythinksafety #FRSCcares

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